Prytaneum is a novel webinar platform that is motivated by democratic theory. Its AI-powered features enable speakers to understand the audience's ideas and perspectives, at scale.
Existing commercial webinar platforms disable audience input almost entirely, and so prevent mutual learning between audience and speaker.
Prytanuem is built by the TeCD-Lab. This paper explains the democratic theory that motivates Prytaneum. Here is a one-pager about Prytaneum from the California State Library.


1 - Intro: How Prytaneum Enables "Many-to-One" Communication

2 - How Prytaneum uses AI to Understand Audience Perspectives

These "explainer" videos (below) demo how to use Prytaneum. Each meeting has three roles: an organizer who creates the meeting (video 3), a facilitator who runs the meeting (video 4), and the audience who participates in the meeting (video 5).


3 - Explainer Video: How to Set up a Meeting

4 - Explainer Video: Moderator/Facilitator Workflow

5 - Explainer Video: Audience Participation Workflow

Here is a talk that Esterling gave about Prytaneum to the Wayne Morse Center for Law and Politics a the University of Oregon:

This paper explains the democratic theory that motivates Prytaneum

Prytaneum's Funders

Thanks very much to our funders...

  • Democracy Fund
  • National Science Foundation
  • Institute of Education Sciences
  • UCR OASIS Program
  • UCR Information and Technology Services