Existing commercial webinar platforms disable audience input almost entirely, and so prevent mutual learning between audience and speaker.
Prytanuem is built by the TeCD-Lab. This paper explains the democratic theory that motivates Prytaneum. Here is a one-pager about Prytaneum from the California State Library.
1 - Intro: How Prytaneum Enables "Many-to-One" Communication
2 - How Prytaneum uses AI to Understand Audience Perspectives
These "explainer" videos (below) demo how to use Prytaneum. Each meeting has three roles: an organizer who creates the meeting (video 3), a facilitator who runs the meeting (video 4), and the audience who participates in the meeting (video 5).
3 - Explainer Video: How to Set up a Meeting
4 - Explainer Video: Moderator/Facilitator Workflow
5 - Explainer Video: Audience Participation Workflow
Here is a talk that Esterling gave about Prytaneum to the Wayne Morse Center for Law and Politics a the University of Oregon:
This paper explains the democratic theory that motivates Prytaneum
Prytaneum's Funders
Thanks very much to our funders...
- Democracy Fund
- National Science Foundation
- Institute of Education Sciences
- UCR OASIS Program
- UCR Information and Technology Services